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Strategic Partner

Penetang Sand & Gravel

Founded in 1955 by William Lediard Jr, Penetang Sand & Gravel continues to be a family run business with a commitment to excellence. They are a licensed pit & quarry serving both residential and commercial clients in the Simcoe county region. Getting supplies to their clients is very important and PSG knows clients appreciate their prompt delivery service. to learn more, visit: 

“Supporting this community, and especially our local hospital, is very important to me. It's our responsibility
to make sure that it's here for us when
we need it. It means a lot to be able to support GBGH over the next five years through my business and give back to our community in such an important way.”

- Chris Ealey, Owner, Penetang
Sand & Gravel

Business Cares Strategic Partner Badge

Strategic Partners

The Strategic Partnership is an overall investment of $25,000 over 5 years ($5,000/year), supporting GBGH’s highest and most urgent priorities. An annual commitment to GBGH provides a reliable source of income that will help fund the equipment and technology that our healthcare teams need to provide excellent care, and will give our hospital the ability to plan ahead for more complex, longer term projects.

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