Page 8 - GBGH Foundation - Mental Health Case For Support
P. 8
A message from Vik Ralham,
GBGH Chief of Staff
What I want to emphasize to you is this: I know of too but their mental health care was delayed. And 60 hours where
many instances where the standard of holistic care – our Emerg staff’s ability to help other patients was impacted by
both physical and mental – is not being met. the challenge of caring for mental health patients without the right
On this issue, I am concerned not only as GBGH’s Chief of Staff,
but as an Emergency physician who deals with the mental health As proponents of holistic care for our patients, it is not patient-
pressures on every shift. And I’m not the only one… every Emerg centred care when mental and physical health needs aren’t being
physician and nurse in our hospital sees this challenge and met simultaneously.
experiences this frustration every time they work.
We will work hard to change this for mental health patients by
As just one of many examples of why the need is so great, on a establishing a program that brings mental health services – both
Tuesday evening in early November, our Emergency department inpatient and a day hospital program – to our hospital. But we need
had seven mental health patients in crisis… without a single your help. We need you to join us in a new beginning for better
mental health bed available in the region. healing today. Our patients and our community deserve more.
Two of these seven patients waited more than 60 hours in our
Emerg for an acute bed. That was 60 hours during which their
physical care needs were capably being met by the Emerg team,