Page 9 - GBGH Foundation - Mental Health Case For Support
P. 9

Why do we have to send mental health

               patients from GBGH to other hospitals?

               Since GBGH does not have its own acute mental health program,
               we must refer our mental health patients to to other hospitals within
               our region. And each hospital is unique in what specific mental

               health services and programs that they are able to provide, and are
               also facing increased mental health volumes coming from their own

               Emergency departments.

               For example, if a patient has a physical condition or injury that

               deems them medically unstable, they are limited in which facilities
               can treat them for both mental and physical health needs. Some
               facilities can refuse patients due to alcohol level, substance

               abuse levels and behavioural problems, which many mental health
               patients also experience. Therefore, while people think we have the
               necessary services in our community, we do not.

               GBGH is projected to care for the same number of
               mental health inpatients and more than 3X the number

               of outpatients as Waypoint, with a fraction of the beds.

                    “All three regional organizations that currently have (mental health
                    programs) are serving their communities. We need to be able to serve

                    ours, while still being available to assist patients throughout the
                    region. The longer we are delaying care, the more problematic it is.”

                                       – MATTHEW LAWSON, PRESIDENT & CEO, GBGH

                                                                                                                            MENTAL HEALTH CASE FOR SUPPORT • 9
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