Page 10 - GBGH Foundation Newsletter - Winter 2024
P. 10



        When you invest in the Foundation’s Impact Fund, you are making a
        BIG difference for patients at GBGH. So far this year, we have been
        able to fund some significant upgrades and ensure our hospital is
        equipped to provide excellent care.

        Ambulatory Care             X-Ray Rooms                Pharmacy Fridge             Ultrasound
        Cost: $34,000               Cost: $1.15 Million        & Freezer                   Cost: $187,000
        Thanks to incredible support   Our X-ray rooms have been   Cost: $25,000           Having a third, modern
        on Giving Tuesday, our      upgraded and now include   Our Pharmacy Team now has   ultrasound at GBGH is
        Ambulatory Care team has a   technology that provides   proper storage for hundreds   critical for providing the
        new power procedure table   better quality images, with   of medications. Injectable   best imaging so that our
        and new exam lights for     much less radiation, in    medications are now safely   radiologists can deliver clear
        the Lumps & Bumps clinic!   a more comfortable and     stored – frozen or chilled   and accurate results for
        The table ensures patients   refreshed environment. The   – ensuring their immediate   10,000 patients every year.
        are comfortable during      new equipment is motorized   availability for any patient in   This will improve wait times
        their procedures, and the   and automated, so it adjusts   need, and proper storage to   for this important imaging,
        lights provide clear, precise   easily to capture the best   prevent waste.        ensuring fast access to
        illumination, making every   image of every size and                               excellent care for everyone in
        operation more accurate and   shape of patient.                                    our community.

                                                       THANK YOU!

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