Page 6 - GBGH Foundation Newsletter - Winter 2024
P. 6


                                   PRESIDENT AND CEO

                                   MATTHEW LAWSON

        Happy New Year to all and as we are now enjoying the
        first months of 2024, I want to briefly highlight one of our
        hospital’s biggest achievements of 2023. In November,
        GBGH underwent a voluntary evaluation known as
        Accreditation which occurs every four years. During the
        Accreditation survey, our hospital was evaluated based
        on approximately 2,000 quality and safety standards.
        It was a very successful process for GBGH and I could
        not be more proud of the result. We achieved a score
        of more than 99%, resulting in our hospital being
        granted the highest honour possible - Accredited
        with Exemplary Standing. This accomplishment would
        not have been possible without the dedication and
        attention to detail of the GBGH team. Their efforts
        made this survey such a resounding success!
        We are proud of this outcome because it is an
                                                                So how can we be part of the solution? Last fall, GBGH
        affirmation of the excellent standard of care we
                                                                submitted the third stage of a nine-stage process
        provide at GBGH. Regardless of our Accreditation
                                                                to the Ministry of Health. This submission included
        result, we never stop looking at ways to be better
                                                                detailed plans for our proposed program which has
        for our community.
                                                                24 acute inpatient beds (16 adult, 8 geriatric). It also
                                                                includes a partial hospitalization program and an
        One of the most urgent issues our hospital faces is the
                                                                outpatient program to help patients transition back
        overwhelming number of acute mental health visits
                                                                to the community, as well as avoid being admitted to
        to our Emergency Department. Last year, patients in
                                                                the hospital in the first place. These programs will be
        mental health crisis visited our ED nearly 1,700 times,
                                                                housed in a 48,400 square foot addition to the existing
        and some of those patients had to wait for more than
                                                                hospital. This is where you - our community - will play
        100 hours before being transferred to another facility in
                                                                an essential role in helping us build this program.
        our region with an appropriate mental health bed.
                                                                Together, we can improve access to mental health
        We can improve these alarming statistics by bringing    services in our community. Thank you for continuing
        an acute mental health and outpatient program to        to partner with us as we strive to Make Excellent Care
        our hospital. This will alleviate some burden across the   Personal.
        region and serve our local community who needs the
        support. Wait times for a mental health bed in Simcoe   Matthew Lawson
        Muskoka are already the second longest in the province,
                                                                Matthew Lawson
        mental health visits continue to increase in volumes    President & CEO
        and prevalence. We know mental health patient days      Georgian Bay General Hospital
        far exceed the provincial average of 89 days per 1,000
        residents. For example, in Penetanguishene, the patient
        days are 297, with Midland at 212 days.

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