Page 4 - GBGH Foundation Newsletter - Winter 2024
P. 4



        The Hartog Health Innovation Award recognizes the outstanding achievements of
        staff and physicians, especially those who demonstrate the characteristics of
        Robbert Hartog, a volunteer and philanthropist who worked tirelessly on behalf
        of Georgian Bay General Hospital.

        In 2023, the award was presented to two recipients: Dr. Jeff Golisky, Family
        Physician and Deputy Chief of Staff at GBGH and Erin Kominek, Manager of
        Cardiorespiratory, Diagnostic Imaging and Laboratory.

        Dr. Jeff Golisky is recognized for his leadership on various committees at GBGH,
        including taking ownership of the Professional Staff Recruitment portfolio. Dr.
        Golisky also holds external leadership and teaching positions with two medical
        schools in Ontario.

        Erin Kominek, is recognized as an exceptional leader, and leadership mentor,
        who contributes to the success of the organization from both a clinical and
        people perspective.

        Congratulations Jeff & Erin!


        MRI UPDATE                                                                   $2,073,208

        Because of your generous investment, the plans to bring an MRI to GBGH are moving along
        with great efficiency! We are thrilled to share that the team has selected the Magnetom Sola
        1.5T as the MRI machine that will be purchased for GBGH.

        The sketches have been drawn for the 2,000 square foot addition to the building, and all
        detailed architectural and mechanical plans have been submitted to the Ministry of Health
        Capital Branch for approval.

        In the meantime, the team is working on selecting a contractor for the project and the
        construction fence was installed in December, to prepare the space for work to begin in
        Spring of 2024.

        These developments are possible because our community
        has come together, and succeeded in raising more than
        $2-million in less than 12 months for this project.                        To see plans for the new MRI space,
                                                                                   scan the QR code or visit
        You are having an impact!                                        

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