Page 15 - GBGH Foundation Newsletter - Summer 2024
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               Power of Giving                 SEGBAY Golf Tournament                    Tee Off with Tay
          August 30 - September 14, 2024         Thursday, August 15, 2024             Friday, August 16, 2024

          Our in-person gala will be           Organized by the Southeast          Hosted at Midland Golf &
          paused in 2024, but with plans       Georgian Bay (SEGBAY)               Country Club, this will be an
          to have a big Power of Giving        Chamber of Commerce,                unforgettable day of golf,
          event return in the Fall of 2025.    Bounce 104.1 & Pure Country         boasting an incredible live
                                               106, this tournament is jam-        auction and fun activities
          The Online Auction and GBay
                                               packed with fun activities on       throughout the course. A
          Bags will still be happening in
                                               every hole and a fantastic          portion of proceeds will help
          September 2024, giving our
                                               online auction. Hosted at Oak       fund an MRI Machine for GBGH.
          community the chance to
                                               Bay Golf Club in Port Severn,       Visit:
          get involved and invest in MRI
                                               funds raised will help to           for more info.
          technology.                          advance surgical services at
          Visit             GBGH.
          giving/ for more info.
                                               tournament/ for more info.

                   Breakfast of Champions                                        GBGH 5050 Lottery
              September 19, 2024 & November 21, 2024               Grand Prize Draws: July 25, August 29, September 26,
                                                                 October 31, November 28, January 30 (December Combined)
        Join us for a behind-the-scenes tour, informative
        presentation and interactive Q&A about your                Win Big, Save Lives! The GBGH 50/50 Lottery is officially
        Georgian Bay General Hospital! A great opportunity         1-year old, and is your chance to win cash prizes
        to learn about how the Hospital & Foundation work          while supporting your local hospital. Get tickets at
        together to serve our community.                 
        Visit: for more info.

       PWB Inc                     Ronald Walker                Susan Carter                WESTLab Canada
       Ray & Mary Nason            Rose Totino                  Susan Drummond              William & Carol McNamara
       Richard O’Neill             Ross & Carol Withall         Susan Foley
       Richard Thomas & Jody Marcus   Russell Price             Ted & Nancy Phelps
       Rick & Mary Ellen Hall      Scott & Tracy Carruthers     Teena Leroux                    = In Memory
       Rob & Mary Ann McLaughlin   Sean Lawrie                  Teresa Jancen
       Rob Woodrooffe              Severn Trail Property Owners Association  The Smith Group  Every effort has been made to ensure
       Robbie & Anni Evans         Shawn Gignac                 Thomas De Boeck             proper recognition of each donor.
       Robert & Joan Shantz        Simon Law                    Thomas Rebane               Please contact
       Roberta Courtemanche        Solly Family Dentistry       Tiffin House Knitting Group  regarding any omissions or corrections.
       Rod & Muriel McVeigh        Sonya Andersen               Tony Janssen
       Roger Hart                  Sophia Glac                  Valerie March & Stan Wolofsky
       Roger Wright & Gerry Williams  Spencer Cox               Verna Gignac
       Ron Columbus                St Paul’s Presbyterian Church  Virginia Skazin
       Ronald & Janet Crane        Sue Cook                     Wallwin Electric Services Limited
       Ronald Orr                  Susan Barker                 Walter & Barbara Reidl
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