Page 13 - GBGH Foundation Newsletter - Summer 2024
P. 13


        NEEDS BOTH...

        Martin Marshall is passionate about community and       Born and raised in Parry Sound, Martin understands
        giving back. Shortly after moving to Midland in 2020,   small town living and values the local businesses
        Martin found himself in the emergency department        who help to build and strengthen the community. He
        of Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH) and was         appreciates living in Midland, and faithfully supports
        blown away by the exceptional, compassionate care       shopping and giving local: “This is where we live, and we
        he received. Not long thereafter, he responded to an    owe it to our neighbours to support our neighbours.”
        invitation to join a Committee of the GBGH Foundation
                                                                Martin continues to volunteer with the GBGH Foundation,
        Board and began to learn more about the needs and
                                                                and invests in his hospital through the Monthly Giving
        challenges of a community hospital.
                                                                program. He notices how appreciative everyone is when
        “It turns out that hospitals cannot survive on          he does support, and feels this is one of the unique
        government funding alone, because there just            parts of a small community. He is a great advocate,
        isn’t enough to go around,” said Martin. “But, it’s     and isn’t shy to encourage those around him to learn
        inherent upon those who live in the community           more.
        to make sure we support our hospital beyond
                                                                “I would encourage everyone to get involved,” he
        our taxes – which have to pay for so many other
                                                                says. “Not just with your money, but get involved with
        things as well.”
                                                                your time. Because our hospital needs both.”
        Martin’s participation in the Governance & Nominations
        Committee, along with his experience of excellent
        health care at GBGH led him to join the GBGH
        Foundation’s Monthly Giving program. The ongoing
        donations offered the perfect solution so Martin could
        make a difference for the hospital, without having
        to track or remember to make a gift. He has since          To learn more about Monthly Giving, contact
        increased his monthly giving to have an even greater       Robyn Blanchet, Community Giving Officer
        impact on his community.                                   ( or 705-526-1300 ext. 5292.)

       Donald & Carolyn Copping    Full Line Electronics Inc    Greg & Syla MacMillan       Janis Stone
       Donald & Jean Brunelle      Gail Stone                   Gus Protopapas              Jeff & Christine Bell
       Donna Earl                  Garry & Judy Schweitzer      Hanni & Katie Darwish       Jeff & Erin Golisky
       Donna Isaac                 Gary & Fran Roosen           Harvey’s Restaurant         Jeff & Marie Holloway
       Donna McLaughlin            Gary & Stella Watt           Helen & George Will         Jeff & Wendy Bumstead
       Doreen Turner               Gay Dusome                   Henry & Catherine Rodrigues  Jeff Beeston & Linda Reid
       Doris Dilger                Geoff & Angela Atkins        Herb & Jean Bailey          Jeff Weersink
       Doug Rawson                 George & Sandra Boucher      Ian & Gail Vasey            Jeffrey Chisholm
       Douglas & Diane Jones       Georgian Bay Seniors Club 408  Ian & Sandra Coutts       Jenna Dafoe & Matt Wolfer
       Duncaun McLeod              Gerald Hewitt                Infinity Golf Lab           Jennifer Moore
       Eleanor Walker              Gerry & Dawna Light          J Barry Saunders            Jerry & Sheila Pauze
       Elite Party Rentals         Glen Rebekah Lodge 209       Jake Just Endowment Fund    Jesse Dees
       Elizabeth O’Connor          Glenn Keenan                 James & Pamela Blackwell    Jessie Clelland
       Eric & Beth Allen           Gloria Epstein               James C Crawford            Jill St. Amant
       Erin & Luke Kominek         Gord & Alicia Sedgwick       James Elgie                 Jim & Kim Rettinger
       Ernest & Sandra Somers      Gordon & Sandra Downie       Jamie & Michele Gillesby    Jim Sinclair
       Faith Richards              Gordon Walker                Jane Hamilton & Don Cooper  Joan Lediard
       Frank Fini                  Graham Swan                  Janine Duquette             Joan Woolever
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