Page 12 - GBGH Foundation Newsletter - Summer 2024
P. 12

Our Business Cares program now has three partnership tiers to better align with the
                                              diversity of our business partners and the unique ways in which they choose to support
                                              the GBGH Foundation! We are excited to celebrate three of our partners and their recent


          Sunday Restoration                    Lauren La Brie                        Penetang Sand & Gravel
          From April to June 2024, Sunday       Beginning in 2023, Lauren La Brie at   We are excited to announce our first
          Restoration (427 King St., Midland)   Atherton Financial continues to donate   Strategic Partnership with Penetang
          donated a portion of proceeds from all   a portion of her commission from the   Sand & Gravel. Owner, Chris Ealey, has
          in store sales, for a total of $500.  sale of any new Insurance Plan.       been a proud supporter of the GBGH
                                                                                      Foundation since 2000, and this latest
                                                                                      partnership will support the hospital’s
            “We are so proud to                 “I’m proud to be a part of this       highest priorities over the next 5 years.
             make a contribution               program and this community.
             towards a hospital that           Knowing that my small business
             has given our family so           can help support the hospital is a     “Supporting this community, and
              much peace of mind.”            great feeling.”                         especially our local hospital, is
              Jacqueline & Will Sunday, Owners  –Lauren La Brie, Financial Advisor    very important to me. It’s our
                                                                                      responsibility to make sure that
                                                                                      it’s here for us when we need
                                                                                       it. It means a lot to be able to
                                                                                       support GBGH over the next five
                                                                                       years through my business and
                         To learn more about the Business Cares                        give back to our community in
                         program, please visit:                                        such an important way.”
                                           – Chris Ealey, Owner

       $1,000-$2,499 (Continued)   Alan De Luca                 Barry & Jean Hall           Cecil & Jayne Gratrix
       Victoria Harbour & District Lions Club  Allan Shakes & Ilga Salnajs Shakes  Barry Humphrey  Centre Flos Womens Institute
       Victoria Harbour Canada Day Committee  Alvin & Martha Leonard  Bayshore Lanes        Charlene Mamo
       Virginia Nihill             Amela McCutcheon             Beausoleil First Nation     Christine & Vikram Ralhan
       Vivian Kirkup               Amy Preston                  Betty Fullerton             Coldwater Dental Office
       William & Erica Marks       Andrea Rice                  Beverley Owen               Colin & Alice Parsons
       William & Norah Stoner      Andree Gagnon                Beverley Taylor             Colleen McAndrew
       Woodland Beach Property Association  Andrew MacRae       Bill & Toni Whittaker       Cornerstone Barbering Services
       Yette Ezard                 Angela Wiggins               Bob Deakos                  Dan & Candice Lee
                                   Angie Saini                  Bob Latanville              Dario Muscillo
       $500-$999                   Ann Herring                  Brenda Dorion-Duquette      Dave & Suzanne Wattling
       A Passion For Fashion Inc   Anna Janssen                 Brenda Fleming              David & Cathy Welstead
       Aaron & Jenn Harris         Anne & William Mills         Brett & Marcia Chapman      David & Jennifer Harker
       Adam & Sabrina Staunton     Anne Lidstone                Brian Haynes                David Kohler
       Adam Dusome                 Anne Robitaille              Brooklea Golf & Country Club  Deb Hathaway
       Adams-Solomon Family Fund   Anonymous                    Caitlin Button              Dennis & Karen Robitaille
       Al & Sue Gignac             Antero & Shirley Kontkanen   Cameron Shaw                Diane Ouimet-Schryver
       Alan & Diane MacMenemey     Arthur Christakos            Cathy Bayles & Rolf Springer  Don & Gail Chapman
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