Page 8 - GBGH Foundation Newsletter - Summer 2024
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        After months of intense treatment, a medically-induced coma and
        rehabilitation, Martin Picotte took his first steps in December 2023
        with the help of a Patient Lift at Georgian Bay General Hospital

        “The feeling of standing again brought a huge smile to
        my face,” says Martin. “It just helped me so much. I was
        smiling and my legs were moving – not very well – but I
        was able to walk!”

        The Patient Lift was purchased with funds donated through the GBGH Foundation,
        and it allows patients to begin their rehabilitation therapy before they are medically
        cleared to bear any weight.

        In September 2023, Martin was diagnosed with Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS),
        a rare disorder caused by a virus where the body’s immune system damages
        nerves, causing muscle weakness and, in Martin’s case, paralysis. He began
        feeling miserable when he first woke up, and by the time the ambulance arrived,
        his condition had deteriorated quickly.

        Martin spent a total of nine and a half months in hospital, mostly at GBGH, and
        a significant amount of time on the rehabilitation unit. From near total paralysis
        at the beginning, to ambulating around the unit with a walker, Martin credits the
                                                                                        To view Martin’s first steps
        team for helping him.
                                                                                        with the Patient Lift, scan
        “I’m so grateful for the therapy team and the nurses [at GBGH] who have         here:
        become like family,” said Martin. “We joke and laugh, and they go out of their way
        to help, no questions asked. And, thank you to all those people who donated to
        help purchase the lift. It helped me and I know it will help a lot of other people

        $5,000-$9,999 (Continued)            Jane & Ray Millar                    Alan & Patricia Lewis
        The Norris Family                    Jeff & Lynn McCoppen                 Alan Walker
        The Township of Georgian Bay         Jeffrey Orr & Suzanne Legge          Alexandra McLaughlin
        William Ferguson & Lynda Mickelborough  Joan & Chris Tulley               Alison & David Jarlette
                                             John Cathers & Delia McLeod          Allan & Marianne Dickey
        $2,500-$4,999                        Judy & Barry Goode                   Alta Vista Planning Partners Inc
        Anonymous                            Kathy Perchalski                     AMJ Campbell, Toronto East
        Arbor Memorial Inc                   Liahona Capital Inc                  Andrew & Karen Hachborn
        Armin & Annemarie Grigaitis          Lithia Motors                        Andrew Combes
        Arnott Construction Ltd              Margaret Gooderham                   Anne Legge
        Barber & Haskill                     Marie Gram                           Anonymous
        Belle Décor                          Mark & Laurie-Ann Fisher             Anton Weber
        Bob Kafato - LabX Media Group Canada Inc  Martha LA McCain                ARAMARK Canada Ltd
        Borden Ladner Gervais LLP            Martine Celej                        Arbour’s Flower Shoppe
        Bruce Chamney                        Mary Cottrell                        Audrey Atkinson
        Carol Parkes                         Nicole & Martin Kraftscik            Barry & Patricia Smith
        Cassie & Tim Kastelic                Paul & Terry Fahey                   Bernard & Georgette Mailloux
        Chad & Natalie Parnell               Penetang Sand & Gravel               Bernice Matthews
        Chefurka Consulting International Limited  Philip & Vivian Wright         Beverley Leonard
        Cumulus Architects Inc               Poppy & Peonies                      Beverley Stefureak
        Dave & Sheila Carpenter, Herb Carpenter Limited  Port McNicoll Lions Club  BGC Funding Innovation Inc
        Dave & Barb Turner                   Robert & Kathleen Martin Family Charitable Giving Fund  Bob & Pam Gunn
        Dennis & Joan Jackson                Scott McIntaggart                    Bonnie McDonald
        Elaine Whitford                      STBC Inc                             Brian Alves
        Eleanor Allgood                      Svethlana Lyons                      Brian Angus
        Garry & Catherine Travers            Syntec Process Equipment Ltd         Carol MacDonald
        Gemtron Canada Corporation           Team Jordan                          Catherine Morrison
        Gerald White                         Terry & Anita Fegarty                Christie’s Mill Inn & Spa
        Gordon & Cathy McKay                 Terry & Anna Cheaney                 Christopher Pfaff
        Gregory Herriott                     Triple Tech Heating, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Inc  Cindy Balaz
        Gregory Rice                         Yvonne Howell                        Cindy Butler
        Harris & Olive Coish                                                      Cintas Canada
        Huronia Physiotherapy                $1,000-$2,499                        Collaborative Haus Marketing
        IG Wealth Management                 Alan & Joan Sundeen                  Crooked Anchor Logistics
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