Page 11 - GBGH Foundation - Equipment Case for Support
P. 11
Blanket Warmer (1N) Portable Bladder Scanner (2E/2N)
$12,039 | Replacement $16,990 | New
A warm blanket is vital to patient comfort and care. It provides a Patients in the hospital are often facing medical issues that make
boost of warmth when you’re feeling chilled; promotes relaxation it hard to urinate. Bladder scanners provide a non-invasive way for
and sleep when you’re feeling anxious. Clinically, a warm blanket care providers to get an image of the bladder in a few minutes. This
is shown to improve treatment effectiveness by improving joint gives them the information they need to help free the patient from
mobility, lessening bleeding, increasing response to medication and discomfort and pain quickly.
overall reducing hospital stay. Currently, nurses on the acute medicine floors have to leave the
The current blanket warmer on 1N is used 20-25 times every single unit to get a bladder scanner from another department, which is
day, and is more than 20 years old. It is unreliable, breaks down inefficient and more importantly, takes away from time caring for
frequently and parts are very hard to find. A new unit will contribute patients. A shared Bladder Scanner can be used by both 2N and 2E
to excellent patient experience and faster recovery at GBGH. units, to reach a diagnosis and provide treatment faster.