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Professional Perspective on Leaving a Will

Michael Hanton is a Wills & Estates lawyer at HGR Graham Partners LLP – one of the largest law firms in Simcoe County, with offices in Midland, Penetanguishene, Barrie, Orillia, and Elmvale. We asked Michael about what it means to create a last will and testament.

What is a planned or legacy gift?
A “planned gift”, also known as a “legacy gift”, is a donation that is left to a charity or non-profit organization in the Last Will and Testament of a donor. These types of gifts can take many forms, but often take the form of a specific monetary amount or a specific proportion of an Estate. Donors can also choose to designate their preferred organization as a beneficiary of their life insurance policy.

Why is leaving a charitable bequest important?We are only given a short amount of time in our lives to have our voices heard and make an impact on what is important us. Legacy giving to a charity is a great way to extend that time. By donating to a charity through a Will, you can leave a lasting legacy that can continue to benefit others long after you’ve passed away.

What are the benefits of a charitable bequest to my family and I?
With the seemingly ever-climbing costs of living, donating to charities is not always a feasible option during our lifetimes. Legacy giving provides a great opportunity to financially support causes that are important to us, regardless of our financial situation.

In addition to providing financial support to those charities that are near and dear to us, legacy giving also creates the potential for significant tax savings in an Estate, which could, in turn, result in a larger inheritance for the remaining beneficiaries. We often work closely with accountants knowledgeable in the field of tax planning for Trusts and Estates when determining the specific tax advantages of legacy giving.


Michael Hanton
Wills & Estates lawyer
HGR Graham Partners LLP




What impact can a legacy gift have at GBGH?

GBGH has some incredible growth and development planned for the future, with a new mental health program coming in a few years, and the potential for a new hospital in the next 20 years. A legacy gift – planned today – will help to make these transformational projects a reality for generations to come.

If you would like more information or have questions, we’d be delighted to speak with you about your considerations for including the Georgian Bay General Hospital Foundation in your will. Please contact to Jesse Dees at 705-526-1300 ext. 5338 or, or visit the Legacy Giving page.

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