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Robbert Hartog Health Innovation Fund

A Black and white image of an older man in a suit and tie with receding hair and wearing glasses.

Established in April 2009 with $50,000 from assets of the Foundation, the Hartog Health Innovation Award recognizes the outstanding achievements of staff and physicians, especially to honour those who demonstrate the values of Robbert Hartog; someone who worked tirelessly on behalf of Georgian Bay General Hospital.

Robbert Hartog helped to establish the first Huronia District Hospital (HDH) Foundation in 1988, and spearheaded the hospital’s first capital campaign; No Better Time, No Better Cause. He was a member of the HDH Foundation Board until 1994, actively fundraising for both the Midland and Penetanguishene hospitals. Mr. Hartog was actively involved in the planning and implementation of the Our Best Care Campaign that ended in March 2008 and raised $4.26 million. He had been involved with the hospitals in Midland and Penetanguishene for more than 20 years when he passed away on January 27, 2008.

The Hartog Award for Innovation is designed to:

Provide the Georgian Bay General Hospital Foundation Board with an opportunity to recognize and honour the outstanding achievements of staff and physicians at Georgian Bay General Hospital;

To honour, promote and recognize achievements that especially demonstrate the values of Robbert Hartog as he worked tirelessly as a volunteer and philanthropist in support of our hospital.

Nominations are compiled by senior management at Georgian Bay General Hospital annually. $5,000 (in total) will be divided equally between the successful recipients each year toward furthering their experience through conferences and courses. 

Donors and community members who wish to honour the memory of Robbert Hartog and his dedication to our hospital, can support the growth of this fund and ensure recognition for individuals at GBGH for many years to come. 

This will continue Robbert’s vision of making our hospital the best community hospital in the province. Simply click here to make your donation, and ‘leave a comment’ that you would like to direct your gift to the Robbert Hartog Innovation in Healthcare Fund.

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