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Privacy Policy

Our Commitment

The Georgian Bay General Hospital Foundation (“the Foundation”) is committed to protecting the privacy of our donors, employees, and other stakeholders. We value the trust of those we work with and thereby commit to adhering to and exceeding, where possible, the principles of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (“PIPEDA”) to ensure the appropriate protection of all personal information shared with us in any format.

In order to raise funds and awareness to provide revenue for equipment, capital expansion, education, and other needs as determined by Georgian Bay General Hospital, the Foundation gathers and uses personal information. All personal information is held in strict confidence, and any use of a person’s information is subject to his or her prior consent and is only used for the purposes for which it was obtained.

Personal Information

Personal information is defined as any information that can distinguish, identify or contact a specific individual. This information can include an individual’s name, contact information, social status, opinions, and relationships.

The exception to this is business-related information such as a business address, name, title, phone number, and certain publicly available information which can be used for purposes for which the information was made public.

Privacy Practices

The Foundation has implemented safeguards to ensure that all personal information is never compromised. Access to personal information is only granted to employees who must use the information to perform their job/s and can only be used for the reason for which it was obtained. Measures are in place to ensure the integrity, accuracy, and security of our information including the signing of confidentiality agreements by all Foundation staff, directors, and third parties authorized to use personal information on the Foundation’s behalf.

The Foundation collects, uses, and discloses personal information only for purposes that a reasonable person would consider appropriate. Donors are given opportunities to determine how often and in what way they wish to be contacted by us. At any time, a donor can opt out of receiving information and can change his or her mailing options. The Foundation will never trade, sell, lease, or share personal information with another person, entity, or organization for purposes beyond those for which it was collected.

A comprehensive document outlining all of the Foundation’s privacy practices is available upon request.

Privacy Policy Updates

The Foundation regularly reviews its privacy practices and will revise this policy and other documentation as required to reflect any resulting changes.

Contact Information

Questions, concerns, or complaints relating to the Georgian Bay General Hospital Foundation’s privacy policy or the treatment of personal information should be directed to Greg MacMillan, Director Finance & Operations, at 705-526-1300 ext. 5343 or

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