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Legacy Giving

Legacy Giving Supporting GBGH Foundation with a blue tree to the left that has a red heart on top

Your hospital.
Your community.
Your legacy.

Sometimes called planned giving, this deeply meaningful way of giving enables donors to make a gift in the future, while planning what kind of legacy they want to leave to their loved ones and the causes closest to their hearts today.

Some donors choose to give in this deeply meaningful way because they want to create something that will live on after they are gone. For others, giving is a way of life and making a legacy gift allows them to continue to support their hospital and community long into the future. And for many others, it’s because they are deeply grateful for the care they, or someone they love received at Georgian Bay General Hospital and they are inspired to help others in the future.

That’s because a legacy gift is a very special promise. It’s a promise to a future you won’t see. And there’s something truly magical in knowing that your decision today could save someone’s life five, ten or 20 years from now.

That’s the power of legacy giving. To help shape the future. And by making a legacy gift to Georgian Bay General Hospital Foundation, you can help create a healthier future for your family, friends, and everyone in our community -while creating a legacy of care for generations to come.


An older man carrying a small boy on his shoulders.
Jesse Dees

If you would like more information on how to create a meaningful legacy, we can help.

Please contact Jesse Dees, Chief Development Officer:
705-526-1300 ext. 5338

“My Dad used to say, you don't have to be rich to give, you give what you can, as often as you can. "


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