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Bake Sale for Celia

A baby girl in a lace headband sleeping on a brown fuzzy fur.

4th Annual Bake Sale for Celia

After the success and outpouring of support over the last three years, Melissa Robinson once again hosted her Bake sale for GBGH in honour of her daughter Celia Marie who passed away at Georgian Bay General Hospital on Christmas Day 2019.  To learn more about this amazing story or resilience and determination, click here.

It’s become an annual tradition!  This year’s bake sale raised $7,250 and the donation was made on what would have been Celia’s 4th birthday, to Georgian Bay General Hospital. 

The funds are designated to help purchase a new Neonatal Resuscitation Monitor for our OB Team at GBGH, which has a total cost of $16,000.  The bake sale got us nearly half way…

Will you make a gift to help replace this vital life-saving tool at GBGH?

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