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Mental Health is Health

Text Transcript with Description of Visuals

Soft sounds, piano, and violin music plays throughout the video.On-Screen Text:
Mental Health
is Health.
Nicole: “In 2017, I was working at Soldiers in Orillia. In February of that year I decided that the burden that I thought I was putting on my family, and my friends, my co-workers, needed to stop.
Attempting suicide was something that is hard for me to talk about now but it is the reality of what I faced.”
Nicole: “My name is Nicole Kraftschik. Many of you will know me as the
Executive Director for Georgian Bay General Hospital Foundation.
Most of you will not know that I struggle with mental illness and have for a very long time.”
On-Screen Text:
Nicole Kraftschik
Executive Director, GBGH Foundation
Nicole: “I grew up in an environment where you just needed to be strong but inside that’s not how I felt.
Getting help wasn’t something that was top of mind for me until it became so dire and such a crisis that I had to.
I drove to Soldiers in Orillia that night from my home in Tiny because I knew that they had a mental health program. There was really no other option for me.
The only thing that stopped me from doing what I was doing were the faces of my family really flashing before my eyes.”
Nicole whispers: “Just give me a sec.”Nicole, who is now getting emotional, stands up and walks a way.
Nicole: “I was assessed by a doctor who deemed that I needed to be placed on a Form 1 and further assessed by a psychiatrist who thankfully existed at Soldiers because of the mental health program that they have there.
And I’m thankful that that hospital had the program that they did.
I was an inpatient for several days, I would say. It was a good 18 months that I was back and forth to Soldiers getting care and treatment, trying to heal. I remember those care providers to this day and I’m so grateful that I had that.”
 On-Screen Text:
GBGH Emergency Department sees 1700 patients in mental health crisis every year.
…that’s more than 3 per day.
Vikram: “As an emerg. physician, you know, we’re well equipped to be able to deal with trauma, accidents, and a whole host of things that fall under emergency medicine. Certainly we can provide some minimal stabilization but we don’t have
Psychiatry in-house, we don’t have the resources available in our hospital, we’re bound by a referral process that can take hours to days to actually get someone the help that they need.
We’re seeing so many more people with acute depression, acute psychosis, suicidal ideations. People that want to
hurt themselves because they’ve got nowhere else to go.”
On-Screen Text:
Dr. Vikram Ralhan
ED Physician & Chief of Staff, GBGH
 On-Screen Text:
Our patients and our community deserve better.
Matthew: “GBGH has submitted a proposal to the Government of Ontario for a large-scale expansion of acute mental health programming. Currently in Simcoe Muskoka, individuals wait nearly twice as long to access mental health care as those that are in the GTA.”On-Screen Text:
Matthew Lawson
President & CEO, GBGH
Vikram: “GBGH I think would tremendously benefit from having mental health beds in-house. I think that’s one of the things that we’ve been advocating for for a long time and unfortunately haven’t been able to get yet.” 
Nicole: “People are getting lost in this system and people are suffering and whether it’s your neighbor, your grandmother, your father, or your brother or sister, mental health does not discriminate.” 
Vikram: “If we had mental health beds, if we had access to Psychiatric Services on an urgent basis, we would not only be able to expedite their care, but provide them a better quality of care.” 
Matthew: “The building that GBGH has designed is a comprehensive roughly 60,000 square foot building. It is open and airy and
includes a 36 bed inpatient unit as well as an outpatient program to allow for comprehensive care.”
On-Screen Text:
66,000 sq. ft. Acute Mental Health Program
  • 36 Bed Inpatient Unit:
    • 8 Psychiatric ICU
    • 10 Geriatric
    • 18 Accute
  • Outpatient/Day Program
Nicole: “GBGH is an incredible hospital. It’s an exceptional hospital. And I really look forward to seeing what the future of GBGH is with the continued investment of the community.” 
Matthew: “For donors today is an opportunity to bridge the gap for patients who don’t have access to care. This will be critical ensuring that your neighbor your friends and your family are getting the access they need and the support they need from their local hospital.” 
Nicole: “I know what care can look like when it is all in one building or facility and I want that for my hospital, for your hospital, and for GBGH.” 
 Nicole stands outside the GBGH Emergency Department.
 Logo showing La Fondation Hôpital général de la Baie Georgienne, Georgian Bay General Hospital Foundation
 On-Screen Text: Please invest to help us bring acute mental health services to GBGH

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