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Foundation News

McHappy Day helping to bring an MRI to GBGH

Four woman, two men and a male police officer stand outside the Midland McDonalds restaurant with a cheque for $15,000 from Mark and Carol Cruden - proceeds from McHappy Day.

On May 10, 2023, McDonald’s restaurants in Midland and Elmvale once again partnered with the GBGH Foundation for McHappy Day®. The one-day event raised a record-breaking $30,000! The GBGH Foundation received $15,000 to support the purchase of a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machine for GBGH. The remaining funds support Ronald McDonald House Charities Toronto.

The GBGH Foundation expresses their heartfelt appreciation for Mark & Carol Cruden, who continue to support the hospital through this event, and their teams at the Midland, Elmvale and Midland Walmart McDonalds restaurants.

From left: Nicole Kraftscik, CEO, GBGH Foundation; Carol Cruden, owner & operator, McDonalds Midland & Elmvale; Ashlee Chant, Manager, McDonalds (hwy 93); Mark Cruden, owner & operator, McDonalds Midland & Elmvale; Matthew Lawson, President & CEO, GBGH; Victoria Evans, community giving officer, GBGH Foundation; Dave Hobson, OPP, Southern Georgian Bay.

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