2024 Gail La Chapelle Education Fund Recipients
Each year, the GBGH Foundation awards monies from the Gail La Chapelle Education Grant and Bursary Fund for nursing staff to continue their education. The Bursary provides $1,000 in funding for RNs & RPNs advancing in their senior year of Nursing or pursuing a Masters. The Education Grant provides financial assistance for courses including palliative care, trauma nursing, advanced cardiac life support, perioperative nursing, critical care nursing and wound care. This year’s recipients received a total of $5,438 toward continuing their education and growing their skills.
The forms for the La Chapelle Education Fund will be available on the Intranet in April, and can be submitted anytime to Jen Russell in the Foundation office (application deadline: January 20, 2025).
Bursary Recipients:
Erika Weber RPN-BScN Bridge
Casey McKenzie RPN
Education Grant Recipients:
Alanna Bouffard Masters of Nursing – Advanced Practice Speciality
Alannah Eberschlag RPN-BScN Bridge
Destiney Benson RPN-BScN Bridge
Lark Francisco Emergency Nursing
Nicole Mordue ACLS
Shannon Buck MN Leadership & Professional Practice
Stephanie Amrein Emergency Nursing Pediatric Course
Zoe Robitaille RPN-BScN Bridging
Valerie Quesnelle RPN-BScN Bridging