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Host a Cornerstone Gathering!

The Foundation Cornerstone Partners are a group of loyal supporters, who collectively make a meaningful impact on the healthcare provided at Georgian Bay General Hospital through an annual financial gift.  You probably know some like-minded friends, family members or neighbours who would be interested in learning more about our local hospital, and how they can get involved.

Whether you are a member of the Cornerstone Partners, or interested in learning more, your passion for local healthcare has the potential to inspire  others!  We have seen it happen in Wycliffe Cove (Victoria Harbour) and at Tiffin Pier (Midland), and we would love your community to be next.

Here’s how we recommend getting started.

  1. Make a list of 10-15 community-minded guests
  2. Pick a few potential dates (minimum of 3 weeks away)
  3. Reach out to Nicole Kraftscik, Executive Director ( or 705-526-1300 ext. 5340) to share your ideas

On the day of the gathering, you look after the guests and serve a few snacks, and the Foundation team will bring information and prepare a short presentation.  Guests will have the opportunity to ask questions, speak with Foundation representatives and join the Cornerstone Partners!

Just want to learn more about the Cornerstone Partners?  Click here or contact Nicole Kraftscik.

Cornerstone Partners logo

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