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Leaving a Legacy…

A woman in a dark top and jeans and a man in a black sweater and jeans pose outside

A message from past Foundation Board Chair, Dave Turner…

Our family has a long history with North Simcoe, and Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH).  My wife was born at GBGH, as were two of our children. Over the years, our family has been to the hospital a number of times, and we have always received exceptional care.

Each year, we show our gratitude to our community hospital by making a donation through the Cornerstone Partners program.  Our contributions have helped to ensure critical equipment is available for patients at GBGH – ultrasound units, vital signs monitors, IV Infusion Pumps and a portable x-ray machine as examples.

As Chair of the Foundation Board of Directors for the past three years, I have seen incredible generosity from our community, which is so important.  Our community needs a vibrant hospital to grow, and prosper, and likewise, our hospital needs the community support to thrive today, and in the future.

One way we can all help our hospital continue to stay up to date with the most modern equipment and technology is through Legacy Giving – or planned giving.  Legacy giving is a great way for anyone, even those of limited means, to make a significant donation to the hospital. This can be done through your will or a life insurance policy and is a truly meaningful way to ensure a bright future for our community hospital. As a retired financial advisor, I had the opportunity to help many clients add a planned gift as part of their will; and as a member of the Board of Directors, I was witness to the wonderful impact that legacy gifts can have on patient care at Georgian Bay General Hospital.

For more information on Legacy Giving, please click here, or contact Nicole Kraftscik, Executive Director ( or 705-526-1300 ext. 5340).

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