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Successful Past Promotions

Successful Past Promotions

Blond woman in a white dress and Man in a blue suit. The Faris Team is written below

Throughout the year, we look for ways to say thank you to our clients. Each spring, we host a skating event that we know is a highlight for many families. In lieu of running an event at this time, we’d like to say thank you. We will be donating the funds budgeted for the event to our charity partners, including Georgian Bay General Hospital, on behalf of our clients. We can’t think of a better way to demonstrate our appreciation for your business than by supporting the organizations who are taking care of our local communities.

From all of us at Faris Team, thank you. We are humbled by your loyalty and are proud to serve you.

For more information about Faris Team, click here.

11 headshorts of the team members of Collaborative Haus Marketing. The logo is at the top

An Assessment Centre was recently established in the Midland community to assess people, where appropriate, for COVID-19. To facilitate online booking and pre-assessment, the hospital required a Self-Assessment Tool. We called on Collaborative Haus Marketing and they rose to the challenge.

“It’s not often that we can work on something that can so immediately support a critical process like COVID-19 testing and lighten the load on our healthcare professionals with an online tool. Our team wants to do whatever we can to support the needs of others with digital solutions. At the end of the day we’re just people helping people. The current COVID-19 pandemic doesn’t change that. That is why Collaborative Haus has been working closely with the GBGH Foundation. Executive Director Nicole Kraftscik reached out to us to see if we could help support the Georgian Bay General Hospital with their immediate need of online self assessment tool that would allow people, who are displaying symptoms of COVID-19, to determine if they should be further assessed at the newly opened Assessment Centre, or stay in self isolation. Working closely with the GBGH team, our skilled and resourceful team worked to create a local solution to this global crisis;  a solution that was executed in just over 48 hours, was created in English and French, and one that allowed for people to self assess and, if needed, book a screening test at our local assessment centre. We helped GBGC because an online organization like this helps our community feel that our health systems can provide an immediate response and can give the community a feeling of security and calm. So many of us rely on digital means to communicate and organize our lives; solutions like this can help everyone feel that they have some control right now.  Hang in there everyone! We’ve got great people looking after us!”

For more information about Collaborative Haus Marketing, click here.

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