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On December 12, 2022, The La Brie Family, owners of Georgian Bay Sauna Rentals, presented the GBGH Foundation with a generous donation of $250.00.This donation comes from their amazing Business Cares initiative, where for the months of October and November 2022, a portion of their sales would be donated.

Thank you to the La Brie Family at Georgian Bay Sauna Rentals!

To learn more about our Business Cares program, visit:

From left – Jessie Clelland, charge technologist, GBGH Lab; Linda Bye, Tiny Township Lions Club; Erin Kominek, manager of cardiorespiratory, diagnostic imaging and laboratory, GBGH; Linda Lewis, Paulette Wentzel & Linda Robitaille, Tiny Township Lions Club; Victoria Evans, community giving officer, GBGH Foundation; Sheila Webb, district governor, Lions International; Gillian Reynolds, treasurer, Tiny Township Lions Club.

On December 7, 2022, members of the Tiny Township Lions Club visited the Laboratory at Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH) to bring them a cheque for exactly $7,523 – the cost of a new microscope.

The microscope at GBGH is utilized 24 hour per day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year. This vital analytical tool allows lab technicians to manually review, interpret and make clinical determinations for urine samples, hematology results or matching blood samples for transfusion.

New microscopes have better optics, include video functionality to view work on a computer screen and are much more ergonomic.

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