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Honouring loved ones through generosity

Two people sitting at a table eating lobster.

“We often think of hospitals as places that heal and save lives, but unfortunately many people pass away as well, which was sadly the case for both my Son and Husband. But the care they both received at GBGH was exceptional and compassionate.”

Pat Shacklady is a firm believer in giving back, and with each donation she makes and every volunteer shift she works, she honours the incredible GBGH Team for their kind and compassionate care of her family. Her son, Jamie, had terminal Melanoma cancer and spent his last three weeks in palliative care at GBGH in 2018. (Read more about Jamie’s story here). And her husband, Jim, passed away after spending 10 days in ICU at the Midland Hospital in 2021. In both cases, Pat feels that the care they received at GBGH was incredible.

In 2022, Pat made a decision to include the GBGH Foundation in her will, as a lasting way to honour her family and the care they received at GBGH. 

Pat & Jim became Monthly Donors in 2020 as a way to give back to the hospital for the care their son received, and gradually increased their monthly contributions.  During this time, Pat also became a GBGH Volunteer, wearing her blue jacket and dedicating her time to help patients and their families as a guide and greeter at the hospital. After a Multiple Myeloma diagnosis, Jim received two stem cell transplants at a Toronto hospital, which was expected to give him a few more years. But, sadly, he developed an infection and spent 10 days in the ICU at GBGH where every possible attempt was made to help him. Due to his weakened immune system, he was unable to battle the infection, and passed away in 2021.

Today, Pat continues to celebrate her loved ones and the excellent care they received through regular giving to the Cornerstone Partners Fund and her volunteer shifts at GBGH.  And, she knows that well into the future, her family’s legacy will continue to make excellent care possible through her planned estate gift.

For more information on Legacy Giving or the Cornerstone Partners program, please contact Jesse Dees, Chief Development Officer (, 705-526-1300 ext. 5338). To learn more about Monthly or Tribute Giving, please reach out to Robyn Blanchet, Community Giving Officer (, 705-526-1300 ext. 5292).

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